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What is Dyspraxia?

Developmental co-ordination disorder, also known as dyspraxia. It is common and it affects fine and/or gross motor coordination in children and adults and it also can have an impact in a number of areas of a person's life.

A mother describes her son's symptoms and the methods used to improve his condition.

A young person or an adult who may have DCD/Dyspraxia can present some of the following challenges in different areas of their life.

This can include:

o Completing forms, particularly when these must be handwritten.

o Producing work legibly and quickly by hand, particularly in timed contexts such as in the classroom, in lectures and exams.

o Writing on media such as whiteboards.

o Practical tasks, particularly if these require accuracy and precision, e.g. in practical lessons at school, including in science, and physical education. 

o Working with tools and machinery, e.g. using a stapler or scissors, working a till.

o Physical tasks involving, for example, balance such as carrying items while walking and manual dexterity – e.g. handwriting.

Dyspraxia/DCD Screener

Who is it for?

The Dyspraxia/DCD screener is for anyone who thinks they may have DCD and wants to check it out.

The report from the Dyspraxia screener will confirm areas of challenges relating to motor difficulties and note similarities of the pattern of traits relating to dyspraxia/DCD. This is a useful report to discuss and plan for where adjustments and support is required. In addition, this report can identify a need to triggering additional involvement from other professionals.

What do I get if I complete it?

You will have access to:

An overall picture of the young person's level and pattern of changes. The Family Pathway Academic Coach will be able to work closely with the young person in developing the confidence and skills, enabling them to manage and overcome their barriers, and in turn to gain independence so that the young person can thrive at home and at school. Where necessary, the Family Pathway Academic Coach will work with the young person and family to secure additional professional input.


‘When you are perching on a high stool with no back or arms, you may be so busy trying to keep your balance that you can’t listen to the teacher.’ Victoria Biggs. Caged in Chaos.
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