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WE enable you to get the

help you need for all

matters of Additional Learning Needs.


Our approach is holistic and caring, underpinned by developing strong relationships with families, learners and schools:

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Our Additional Learning Needs Services

At Family Pathway we provide Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (ALN/SEND) Consultancy in England and in Wales. We translate the ALNET and SEND Code of Practice, to make it easy to understand and empower you to make the right choices for your child. We are happy to work independently or collaboratively to enable families to get the best outcome for their child.


Our aim is to provide specialist support, working closely with parents and young people to provide you with the tools, confidence and resilience to get the support you need. All our work includes a focus on relationships within the family and with the school by strengthening communication, negotiation, decision-making and strategies to reduce conflict.

We translate the ALN/SEN code of practice for you.

We provide you with guidance on the SEND/ALN Code of Practice and general Special Needs practice.
We help you understand your rights and choices.

We can accompany you to meetings as support.
We provide step by step advice and support for families in all areas of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities; in areas such as applications for assessments, lodging appeals, IDP and EHCP checks; review evidence, ensure provision is carried out and attend school meetings.
Our Services support all matters of Special Education Needs in England and in Wales.
Voices of children and adults

What am I?


by Jarlath O'Brien

under review

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Stop Adding Bricks!   by Faithmummy (facebook)

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