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Building strong authentic partnerships between HOME and EDUCATION, starts with TRUST
Building strong communities, means creating constructive connections between home and school. This promotes positive educational and social outcomes.
We work across communities to Bridge the Gap Between Home and Education. At Family Pathway we believe that home and school engagement needs to be everybody's job, so it needs to be embedded in all that we do.
Our work is not a program - it's a practice. Programs are short lived!
To invest in strong and trusting relationships, evidence shows us: "One of the best ways to earn someone's respect is to let them know you value what they say and that you listen to them".
This means giving parents their voice, teachers their voice and learner their voice. Empowering individuals to value their voice, gives them the tools to enable good communication, which in turn builds compassion, which then develops trust to secure strong partnerships of respect and value.
VLOGS 4 parent voice
Navigating the Code of Practice in England and in Wales
Understanding the role of the SENDCO/ALNCO
An introduction to Executive Functioning Skills
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